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Shocking ways tumeric will make you healthy

Tumeric is a flowering plant the roots of which are used in cooking.The plant is a perpetual, rhizomatous, herbaceous plant local to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, that requires temperatures somewhere in the range of 20 and 30 °C  and a lot of yearly precipitation to flourish. Plants are accumulated every year for their rhizomes, some for spread in the accompanying season and some for utilization.The rhizomes are utilized new or bubbled in water and dried, after which they are ground into a profound orange-yellow powder generally utilized as a shading and seasoning operator in numerous Asian foods, particularly for curries, just as for dyeing.Turmeric powder has a warm, severe, dark pepper-like flavor and hearty, mustard-like fragrance.
Turmeric is used in many Asian foods giving a mustard-like, hearty smell and sharp, somewhat unpleasant flavor to foods. Additionally is utilized in some sweet dishes, for example, the cake sfouf.

                    Uses of turmeric:

  • Cure acne
  • Heal wounds
  • Prevent cancer growing cells
  • Face pack
  • Prevent skin damage
  • Tighten skin
  • Cure psoriasis 
  • Exfoliating agent
  • Control blood pressure 
  • Treats diabetes 
  • Lighten facial hairs
  • Reduces cholesterol level
  • Prevent inflammation 
  • Gives you a glowing skin
  • Slow progression of MS
  • Natural antibiotic
  • Natural antiseptic 
  • Improves digestion 
  • Helps cough
  • Improves asthma 
  • Anti arthritic 
  • Blood purifier 
  • Helps prevent gas and bloating
  • Strengthens ligaments
  • Reduces side effect of chemotherapy 
  • Prevents progression of Alzheimer 
  • Heals stomach ulcer 
  • Helps to prevent cystic fibrosis & cancer
  • Reduces stress and depression 
  • Boosts cognitive abilities 
  • Help full in maintaining heart health 
  • Helps to detoxify body
  • Good for bone health 
  • Natural pain killer
  • Gives relieve from fatigue , nausea,pelvic & cramps.


        Excess use of turmeric causes nausea , dizziness, diarrhoea ,heart irregularities.


Improve liver function:

A research shows that antioxidants present in turmeric boost the detoxification of liver.

Curb Heartburn 

The spice ability of turmeric helps to reduce inflammation and it fights with indigestion.

Treat IBD

New research suggested that turmeric also helps to remove irritated bowels.

Reduces chance of Heart attack 

As it contains all anti_inflammatory and antioxidants properties due to spice so it is very help full in lowering the chances of getting Heart attack.

Delay the onset of diabetes 

If you are at a risk of diabetes or on a stage of prediabetes it helps to delay the disease.

Promotes brain health

A compound present  in turmeric known as turmerone or ar-turmerone helps to promotes brain health.

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