A healthy diet is a diet that helps you to not only maintain your health but also to improve your body health. Eating healthy diet provides your body essential nutrients ( Protein, carbohydrates, calcium, zinc,fats, folic acids, fibers, minerals).
Healthy eating means eating variety of foods that can give your body the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good and fully energetic.
Nutrition is important for everyone. When combined with being physically active and maintaining a good healthy weight, eating healthy diet in an excellent way to help your body stay strong and healthy.
Here are some food combinations that will ruin your health:
Do you ever have a problem in digesting the meal? If have then ever you try to search the reason.
It is probably because of the food combinations you used in your routine. Wrong food combinations causes problems in your digestion which sets in motion a short of chain reaction. You probably have heartburn, painful gas,an upset stomach. As if that was not bad enough, you are not getting the full benefits of proper nutrition because of the faulty digestion.
Bananas and milk:
Banana smoothie yummy! But stop....
Combination of bananas with milk may not best snack for you.
Although both of these foods have a sweet taste and a cooling energy, their post digestive effect is very different- bananas are sour while milk is sweet. This further causes confusion to our digestive system and may result in toxins, allergies and other imbalances.
Honey and tea:
Honey one of the good way to sweeten your tea. But the problem is when it melts in the tea it produces more toxins and clog up the body channels. That's why it is suggested to take it with cold water.
Water after meal
A habit of almost 70% peoples in the world to drink water after taking the meal. Stomach is badly effected by drinking water after meal & once becomes affected numerous strange deceses. Even if once takes a spoon of poison after meal, it would be less harmful then drinking water after meal.
In short it is suggested not to drink water atleast for 1 hour after having meal.
Salts in salads
As we all know that excess amount of salt is not good for our body. It leads to heartburn, high blood pressure, stomach cancer,obesity and as well as asthma. If you eat too much salt the extra amount of water stored in your body rise blood pressure. The high the blood pressure the greater the strain on your heart , arteries, kidney and brain. This can further leads to heart attacks, stroke, dementia and kidney disease.
Cucumber and tomato
Tomatoes and cucumbers have different digestion time and mixing them cause health problems and complications...
Cucumber contains a substance that destroys vitamin C in tomatoes. So it is beneficial for you to eat cucumber without any additions.
Yougert and fruits
There aren't many reported side effects of eating yougert with some fruits but some peoples might experience diarrhea, stomach problems, or skin rash. There have been cases of getting sick from yougert contaminated with disease causing bacteria.
But mixing sour fruits with yougert can disturb digestion and also nasal congestion, coughs and allergies. You can sweeten the sour fruits by simply adding some sugar and honey in it.
Fruits with meal
Eating fruits right after a meal is not a great idea, as it may not be digested properly. The nutrients may not be absorbed properly.
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