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Amazing uses of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a vinegar made from fermented apple juice is  used in salad dressing, Chutneys and food preservatives etc.


1: Acne

Get rid of Acne Wrinkles and Dark spots using Apple cider vinegar .
 It is an easily available product in market and household has it. Apple cider vinegar is very useful  for acne and wrinkles because it returns the acidity of our skin and balance the acidity. Apple cider vinegar kills bacteria, remove dirt particles, oil from skin, makeup and dead skin cells.

2: Treat warts:

To get rid of warts that won't go away?
Take a cotton ball soaked in  Apple cider vinegar apply it on your warts and cover it with piece of cloth. Leave it for overnight. Repeat this process 3 to 4 times cause the warts eventually fall right off.

3: kill bugs and fleas:

If your dogs and cats can't stop scratching themselves then use Apple cider vinegar for the treatment. Take equal amount of water and apple cider vinegar in a a spray bottle and apply it on the fur of your pet once in a day until you get results. You can also use it as homemade bug spray and apply it to your skin to fight off pesky insects.

4: Act as natural deodorant:

Apple cider vinegar has powerful antibacterial properties and acts as a natural deodorant. The simplest use of apple cider vinegar is to dab a bit on your fingers apply it on your under arms area. Apple cider vinegar helps to neutralise the odor and keep you smelling fresh.

5: Act as a household cleaner:

Apple cider vinegar is also use as a household cleaner. It is one of the most effective use of it. By mixing equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar we can make cleaner. Its antibacterial properties kills all the germs and keep the house spotless.

6: Smile and laugh:

It can also be use as a natural mouth wash. Try the home remedy of apple cider vinegar to control bad breath. Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar it kills odor causing bacteria. Apple cider vinegar remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums.

7: Regulates blood sugar level:

Apple cider vinegar benefits your blood sugar level and increase insulin sensitivity. Try diluting one to two tablespoons in a 8-ounce cup of water and drinking before meal to keep blood sugar level steady.

8: Blood pressure:

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease. It forces the heart to work harder and weaken the heart muscles. Apple cider vinegar keeps your blood pressure moderate and helps to keep your heart healthy and strong. A study in Japan showed that giving rats acetic acid main component in apple cider vinegar , resulted in reduce level  of blood pressure.

9: Cholesterol level:

An animal study in 2006 showed that the acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar lower the bad cholesterol level in rats. Also a study in Japan showed half of an ounce apple cider vinegar in a day lower the bad cholesterol level in people. Apple cider vinegar promote heart health by helping to keep cholesterol level low. Only 2 to 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a day can lower cholesterol level fast.

10: Soothes sunburn:

If you are spending too much time in sun then apple cider vinegar is a great natural remedy for  soothing dry, sunburn skin. Add one cup of apple cider vinegar in 1\4 cups of coconut oil and some lavender essential oil to a lukewarm bath and soak to provide sunburn relief.

11: Enhances circulation:

Some studies have found that applying apple cider vinegar to varicose veins could help reduce symptoms. Try combining with witch hazel and scrubbing in a circular motion to improve circulation and alleviate symptoms.

12: Weight loss:

Studies demonstrate that apple juice vinegar may likewise expand satiety, which can help decrease admission and amp up weight reduction. Indeed, one examination demonstrated that drinking apple juice vinegar really diminished aggregate caloric admission by up to 275 calories through the span of the day. 

Be that as it may, in light of the fact that apple juice vinegar benefits weight reduction doesn't imply that it ought to be utilise as a handy solution all alone. Actually, if simply drinking only it, the measure of apple juice vinegar weight reduction will be insignificant. To truly get results, make certain to utilise it in mix with a sound eating routine and dynamic way of life.


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