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Teenage depression

Recognising depression in teens:

Depression is a common and serious  medical illness that negatively effects how you feel, the way you think & how you act. It is a common problem in children and teens. Being sad sometimes is normal but if your child or teen is depressed it causes serious problems.Depression in teens looks very different from depression in adults. When your child is depressed it loses its interest in activities and hobbies. May be he/she is facing problems at home or may be in school. Sometimes depression leads to self harm or suicidal thoughts.

Being a teenager can be tough there are chances taking place in your body and brain that can effect your behaviour, the way you think and it also effect on your learning. And if your are facing tough and stressful  situation. It is normal to have emotional ups and downs .
But if you have been overwhelming sad for a long time (a few weeks to months)and you are not able to concentrate or to do things usually enjoy you need to talk with someone about depression.

There are effective treatments for depression such as antidepressants and talk therapy.


Feeling sad is a normal reaction  to stressful situation in life. Some examples of situation that may lead to feeling sad are:

● being sick.
● losing someone you love.
● having problems at school.
● guilt for something.
● feeling of hopelessness.
● difficulty concentrated.

Most peoples are able to overcome feeling sad. But some people are not able to overcome. Their sadness may become overwhelming. This is the sign of depression. Depression is when a person feels sad all the time. Their feeling may interface with family, friends , school or work.Sometimes feeling of depression become strong that  a person may consider suicide.
Depression is a disease. Treatment is available and successful.

Signs of depression in children and teens:

Depression causes feeling of sadness that may not go away on their own. It causes feeling of hopelessness or worthlessness.
Common symptoms of depression in children and teens are:

○ eating more or eating less
○ mood swings 
○ weight loss or weight gain.
○ poor hygiene and dress 
○ change in sleeping habits
○ tearfulness or frequent crying
○ sadness or hopelessness 
○ restlessness or agitation 
○ irritability , anger or hostility 
○ feeling of worthlessness or guilt 
○ lack of motivation 
○ lack of enthusiasm 
○ fatigue 
○ lack of energy 
○ though of death and suicide 
○ loss of interest in activities 
○ withdrawal from family and friends 
○ using drugs and alcohol 
○trouble in making decisions
○ it is insomnia 
○ pushing friends away and staying alone all time

Depression may causes problems at school.
You may notice a drop in your child grades.
They may try to stay home from school often. Sometimes depression causes physical symptoms like

¤ headache 
¤ stomach aches
¤ low back pain
¤ apathy 
¤ muscle aches

Some children and teens with depression may engage in unsafe behaviour. These can include unsafe sex or breaking the law. They may abuse substances like alcohol or illegal drugs. These substances makes the depression worse.

Signs of suicide :

Signs of suicide plans may include:

• saying goodbye to loved once 
• writing or talking about death 
• giving away possession 


The causes of depression in children and teens is not always known. It is often a combination of different reasons. Depression is sometimes caused by chemicals in brain that can effects child mood. It may caused by change of hormones in the body. Stressful situation also causes depression to children which includes:

□ trouble in school
□ moving to a new town
□ illness
□ breakups
□ abuse during childhood
□ having illness last for long time
□ problems with friends

Facts about teenage depression:

■ an estimate 20% of teens experienced depression before reaching adulthood
■ 15% of teens suffering from depression Will eventually develop bipolar disorder 
■ 14% of teens suffered from depression  within the last 12 months 
■ 16.2% of adults have depression once in their life
■ about 1 million of life lost because of depression.

Girls are more likely to be depression at a young age then boys.


Depression in children and teens is usually treated with the combination of mediation and counselling. Meditation called antidepressants  can be helpful in treating depression. But they are not as affected in teens as they are in adults. They may rise the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour in children and teens. It may take time to find the right meditation for your child it may take 2 to 8 weeks for your child to benefit from antidepressants . They are not usually addictive.

Therapy is also used to treat depression. The most common therapy used for depression is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can help your child :

▪ learn his or her condition 
▪ focus on his or her feeling, thoughts  moods and behaviour.
▪ adjust to difficult situation 
▪ find healthy ways to cope with his or her feelings.

For more about depression click below

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