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The most incredible article about blood pressure you'll ever read

Blood pressure:

The heart pumps blood into the arteries by alternative contraction and relaxation . As a result pressure arises within the  arteries known as blood pressure.

The blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure  cuff and is recorded as "systolic" & "diastolic".

■ Systolic pressure:

Systolic pressure is the pressure following the contraction of heart.
The normal systolic pressure is 120. The systolic pressure is comes before and above the diastolic number.

■ Diastolic pressure:

The diastolic pressure is the pressure while the heart is in relaxation phase.
The normal diastolic pressure is 80.

☆ High blood pressure:

The blood pressure is considered to be high when the systolic pressure is higher than 140, and the diastolic number above 90.
The blood pressure is not constant and frequently varies depending on the posture, activities and stress.

For proper evaluation of the blood pressure several reading are needed , noted over a period of a couple of months. Although high blood pressure can be caused by a medical condition. While in most cases the underlying cause  is unknown ...


▪ Overweight
▪ Excessive salt intake.
▪ Drinking more than two cups of alcohol per day.

Increases the risk of high blood pressure.
You can control high blood pressure through healthy lifestyle and by taking medicine if needed.

High blood pressure usually has no symptoms but it can cause serious problems such as "stroke" , "heart attack" , "heart failure" & "kidney failure".

For information about stroke click the link below.

Foods good for high blood pressure:

1: Bananas
2: Unsalted sunflower seeds
3: Ground flaxseed 
4: Spinach 
5: Tomatoes 
6: Garlic 
7: Skimmed milk
8: Soybeans 
9: Whole grain foods (like oatmeal)

☆ Low blood pressure:

Low blood pressure is also called hypotension.
The blood pressure is considered to be lower when the systolic pressure is lower than 90 and the diastolic number is lower than 60. Although some people have low blood pressure  all of the time and have no problems hypotension carries risks and could be an indication of more serious condition.


Low blood pressure signs and symptoms:

¤ Dizziness and light handedness.
¤ Fatigue.
¤ Rapid heart rate.
¤ Cold , clammy skin.
¤ Lack of concentration.
¤ Unusual thirst.
¤ Blurred vision.

Food for low blood pressure:

1: Dark chocolate 
2: Coconut water
3: Cheese 
4: Nuts
5: Eggs
6: Citrus 
7: Lean meat
8: Water


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