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Drinking water harmful effects

What are the harmful effects of drinking water?

In rare cases drinking a large amount of water in very short time can be dangerous for you.Because it can cause the level of salt or sodium in your blood too low.

"Drinking  too much fluid can lead to hyponatremia . Excess water leads to lower sodium level in body which further leads to nausea,vomiting,cramps,fatigue which is called hyponatremia.

Warning of hyponatremia:

         The warning signs of hyponatremia look like the symptoms of headstorke and exhaustion. You might be hot ,have a headache and just feel crummy.


          The best way to prevent hyponatremia is to make sure that you don't drink more then you swaet out.But its very difficult to measure ....

Many experts says drink until you don't  feel tristy and then stop drinking.

Food good for low sodium level:

 ● Any fresh or frozen beef

 ● fish,lamb,pork

 ● low sodium peanut butter

 ● Poultry , low sodium canned fish

 ● Water or oil packed canned fish

 ● Any fresh fruit ,fresh vegetables.

Food are high in sodium:

           A variety of food are naturally high in sodium ......
Even if they don't taste salty. The foods are

■ Meat and seafood contain naturaly a high amount of sodium.

■ Diary products

■ Spinach,chard,turnips,sweet

■ Seaweed,celery,artichokes

Health benefits of water:

                Water is an important chemical component which makes about 60% of our body weight . Your body depend upon water to survive. Every living cell needs water to keep functioning. Approximately ten days you can survive without drinking water and without eating food. In rare cases that process take as long as several weeks.

Drinking water benefits:

■ Drinking water helps you to lose your weight.

■ Water helps you to remain energetic
■ Helps fight against flu,kidney stones and heart attack.

■ Helps to relieve headache and back pain due to dehydration.

■ Water helps to keep a healthy glowing and clean skin.

■ Helps to digest food properly,cure stomach problems.

■ It reduces the risk of heart attack,colon cancer,bladder and Breast cancer.

A very warm cup of water in the morning  can help to clean the body.

Drinking Water after meal and its effects on health:

Stomach is badly effected by drinking water after meal and ones becomes affected numerous strange deceses . Even if one takes a spoon of poison after meal, it would be less harmful then the damages cause by those of drinking water after meal .

In short it is advisable not to drink water atleast for half an hour after having meal.

For those who love  cold water:

Bad news for those people who love their water icy cold . Drinking cold water is not the quickest way to dehydrate your body because it shocks your body. The reason for taking long time by our body to absorb cold water is  that it has to expand energy to adjust the water to the body temperature to be able to absorb it.

On the other hand drinking hot water has a tendency to cause your ph levels to slightly drop towards acidity.

To maintain ph level in your body and for quicker hydration it is best to drink alkaline water at room temperature.


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